Ross and Philippa in Assizi.. a very wet day!
Looking up the main street of Assizi which is absolutely beautiful and.. yep.. full of churches and monuments.
Award winning Gelato (ice cream) in San Gimagnano
Philippa, Betsy and me sitting on the wall in San Gimagnano looking over the Tuscan countryside
Yep, even here in Tuscany you must pick up that poo!

Four of us having a lovely glass of Chardonnay in Sienna.. the view was out towards Chianti but unfortunately you cant see it.. it was beautiful and so peaceful. Needless to say we didnt actually stay at this hotel.. our 'hostel' was a little more downmarket.
Philippa and I on the outskirts of Siena with the new town in the background through the Arch.
One of the 14 churches in Siena... with me on the statue.. sorry about the head
A 'statue/model' hiding behind the curtains... the emblem of the Caterpillar to the right.. one of the areas which compete in the annual horse racing event in the central Piazza
The tower in Orvietto.. we all walked up this.. and it wasnt an easy feat
I took a liking to the colourful plates in Orvietto
The ancient amfitheatre in Lucca
Me in front of one of the vintage cars in the central Piazza in Lucca on Saturday night
Ross patiently waiting in Lucca
The four of us at the top of the Bell Tower in Orvietto with a view of the city in the background.. amazing things cameras when you figure out the buttons

Me at the top of the Orvietto Tower.. cathedral spire in the background
still from the top of Orviettos tower... the cathedral in the background
Orviettos cathedral.. an enormous cathedral for such a small town.
And I bet you can't guess where this was taken?