Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Saturday, June 02, 2007


A few observations from the inexperienced but slowly becoming more experienced travellers.. that I would like to share with you.

During our 36 hours in France we could have counted the number of Japanese cars on one hand.. it would seem NZ has cornered that market.

80% of the cars are Renault or Citroen.. well I guess that stands to reason. Once out of France and through Spain and Portugal Renault still appear to be more popular with the VW coming in a close second. We have seen a few more Japanese cars but they are few and far between.

The price of petrol has varied from NZ$3 a litre in England, slightly cheaper in Ireland, NZ$2 in France if you are selective where you buy it, NZ$1.80 in Portugal and back up to around NZ$1.90 in Spain. Actually thats not Petrol its diesel. Diesel is dearer than Petrol in England and Ireland!!

Road Signs
These have really amused us and deserve some comment. They are very graphic on this side of the world. Picnic areas are denoted by a man sitting on bench who actually looks like he is going to the toilet.. I kid you not!

Pedestrian Crossings. As a pedestrian you have to wait for the ´walking man´ to appear. You get exactly 60 seconds as it counts down with the little green man running and then.. a red man appears and the cars whizz past at 100 miles an hour.

When you arrive in a place such as Olhao there is a sign saying Olhao.. yes I hear you saying what is different about that. Well nothing actually.. but as you leave there is the same sign saying Olhao with a cross through it. Now you know you are no longer in Olhao.

When we were in Dingle, Ireland there was a notice on the beach telling you that if you had your dog on the beach you must pick up its droppings just the same as good old NZ. BUT this sign had a picture of a dog doing its business just to make sure you got the picture. And here is the pic to proove it!!

1 comment:

mkel040 said...

ha ha ha ha ha :) brilliant writing aunty vicki!!