Leaving Sorrento was fun as I had imagined.. the temperatures were in the 40's, the traffic horrendous and the Italian drivers erratic and dangerous to say the least.
We did have a bit of fun with the Italian truck drivers, just to make the day interesting. Given we have a normal right hand drive vehicle and they are all left hand drive they look right down into our vehicle when we overtake them (on the downhill of course) and they started tooting.. so we started waving back.. between Naples and Pizzo we must have had at least 30 truckdrivers waving to us... and of course we played up to it.. just a bit of fun to pass the time on a 5 hour drive!
Pizzo has a population of 8700 according to the guidebooks and an amazing underground church/cave which we spent a while finding. In fact in the process of finding it I found myself driving through the middle of an outdoor restaurant.. feeling a bit like Moses where the seas parted the rows of tables seemed to part. I was assured it was permissable and even totally acceptable.. not that OSH would have allowed it of that I am sure. In fact most of the towns are like this late in the day.. people sitting outside ON the road on tables passing the time of day. I must confess its a bit scary at times wondering whether you are meant to drive through but apparently you are.. its all very kosha!
We did have a bit of fun with the Italian truck drivers, just to make the day interesting. Given we have a normal right hand drive vehicle and they are all left hand drive they look right down into our vehicle when we overtake them (on the downhill of course) and they started tooting.. so we started waving back.. between Naples and Pizzo we must have had at least 30 truckdrivers waving to us... and of course we played up to it.. just a bit of fun to pass the time on a 5 hour drive!
Pizzo has a population of 8700 according to the guidebooks and an amazing underground church/cave which we spent a while finding. In fact in the process of finding it I found myself driving through the middle of an outdoor restaurant.. feeling a bit like Moses where the seas parted the rows of tables seemed to part. I was assured it was permissable and even totally acceptable.. not that OSH would have allowed it of that I am sure. In fact most of the towns are like this late in the day.. people sitting outside ON the road on tables passing the time of day. I must confess its a bit scary at times wondering whether you are meant to drive through but apparently you are.. its all very kosha!
The Caves were amazing. It was really simplistic . way back in BC times the cave had been formed by the vicious surf (it would have given Piha a run for its money I tell you!) and religious sculptures had been carved into the stone walls of the cave.. there was a little colour left but in the main they were straight rock.
Also.. while we were in Sorrento we say a very unusual Police Car.. a three wheeler like Only Fools and Horses (sorry once again I guess many of you wont even remember that either!!) and Coraleen made the comment it was hard to have respect for anyone driving something like that.. actually we saw a few of them. I guess its good transportation for local produce etc on the very narrow streets. If I remember correctly they don't have a reverse and on more than one occasion we say people reverse them by hand.. but perhaps this could have been because they were parking in tiny weny spaces. Anyway I digress.. I was talking about Police Cars. Well, while on the road south a police care roared up behind us, blue lights flashing.. and then overtook us.. and guess what? It was a friggn Lamborghini! Honest.. see we even took a photo to proove it.
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