Bologna, inthe Emilia-Romagna region of Italy is renowned for its food, espically Bolognasei or Ragu as they call in. Piadina is another speciality.. and my favourite.

A jazz band in the middle of Bologna.. very cool...

Piazza del Nettuno (Neptune if you hadn't guessed the English Translation).

Part of the fountain of Neptune is this lactating nereid and I have no idea of its significance!

The fountain of Neptune is a large bronze statue and is quite breathtaking to say the least. It was designed in 1567 and has been the centre of one of the two main Piazzas ever since. Neptune is controlling and directing water... which, once again, has some important significance whis is lost to me

The other main Piazza is Piazza Maggiore and this huge church, San Petronia, is on the northern side. A few years back the Muslims threatened to bomb the church as in the 2nd fresco on the left is a picture of Mohammed in Hell. It is quite something and the fifth largest church in the world. It would have been the biggest except the Pope said it wasnt on.. as St Pauls Basilica (the house of the Pope) had to be the biggest!

Bologna is famous for its arcades. I must say (sorry to those of you who think they're wonderful) I wasnt that impressed.. yes they make Bologna unique as an Italian city but they are, after all, only arcades. Some of them have amazing artwork which are pretty impressive but a lot are just plain covers on the outside of shops. No offence meant to Italians...

And this is one of the roofs in an arcade.. pretty impressive.

And having wine tastings in the arcades is also my kinda arcade!

Statues over the doorway in the big Church in the beautiful Piazza.

And a jazz band playing in the middle of the city.. quiet cool.

The Lonely Planet talks about a wonky tower. Bologna has about 14 towers and this one, the wonky one (and its more wonky than the one in Pisa) was never completed as it started to subside.. as you can see. However it was difficult to show how wonky it was in photos...

This photo does capture the wonkiness (now is that a real word??) ...

One of the tower and the dome of the Church.