Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


A(nother) beautiful walled hilltop town in Marche with a jumbled mix of Rennaisance and medieval buldings and churches.

The Palazzo Ducale - Urbino's main claim to fame is absolutely huge and towers over the countryside ... like a Palace.. which, of course, it is.

The view out over the countryside from the hilltop that is Urbino.

Me at the water fountain... which unusually doubles as a Goldfish Pond!!

All the rooftops are red and very quaint.. you can see a neighbouring mountain in the background.

Ross in one of the narrow streets.. framed in the ornate brickwork around the door.
The spire of the large church in the central Piazza.

Inside the Cathedral... although it was beautiful it wasnt up there with the ones in Bologna.

Raphael lived here for the first 16 years of his life and this monument is in his honour.

The front of the large Church.