Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Oooh it's been such a long time.. and I've been to so many places

A group of us being 'exploited' - as western women we were invited to a marketing event.. th first time most of the Saudi men here had ever been in direct contact with western women!

A little bit of London in Riyadh.. Xmas shopping in a London Cab

Well one has to try and down out the black

This is how 95% of women you see in the malls are dressed... cool ay?
Thought it was about time I updated this so I can continue with an upcoming two month trip around France and Eastern Europe in the 'summer' - which to me now is July/August.. gosh how times change.

Have added a few 'everyday' photos from general life in Saudi to start as that's where I've been based for the past 14 months. Can't say it's all been a bed of roses.. but more interesting and a culture shock!