Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Conil and Cadiz

I can´t say there was anything exciting about this place. We had planned to spend a day in Cadiz but there was no transport and we cant take Molly into those big cities, firstly the streets are far too narrow and secondly the parking isnt high enough with the top box and thirdly.. its just too bloody difficult!!

Staying in Conil was our biggest mistake as it was only a further 60km to Tarifa off the Coast of Morocco .. although of course we couldn´t go to Morocco as I didn´t have a passport.

Once there we decided to make the most of it and did get out along to the Coast to the place where the Battle of Trafalgar was fought (whoopdy doo!!).

A few miles away from where we stayed there was a lovely old town with some great history and scenery. A lot of the old ceramics and things are interesting but aside from that.. no there was not a lot to see and do.

The pool in the campground wasn´t open, the beach was on the west coast of Spain so was very very windy and the locals were at best unhelpful and at worst rude!! Needless to say we moved on relatively quickly.

Ceramic fountain in the Centre of the Historic city.

Coraleen at the ´Trafalgar Beach´ .. not that there is anything there to confirm nor deny this claim!

Another picture of the ceramic fountain... as you can see we were bored and unimpressed.

We left Conil and the awful campground and moved south heading for Tarifa when we realised just how damn close we were. It does pay to read a map better.. not a good idea to use finger spaces to work out distances.. another lesson well learnt!!

Tarifa and the east coast of Spain here we come!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So when do we get to see the 'Star' of the show - "Molly"!
The poor girl is carrying the two of you all over Europe & doesn't even get a look in!
Time we got to check her out.

Have fun,