Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Nice and Monaco

Beautiful old Church at top of hill in Nice.
View looking out over the beach in Nice from the highest point.

Another one looking out at the view over Nice Beach and surrounds. Nice is really one of these places everybody has heard of or has seen in television and cinema. James Bond was here of course and the most of the rich and beautiful, the jet set, from the fifties through the sixties and seventies. Some say it is not the hottest spot anymore but many stars have bought houses and villas along the coast ('French Riviera' is one of the most beautiful coast lines in Europe).

Nice beach with the City behind it and as France's second biggest city its bigger than you think.
Monaco and Kristine and Coraleen outside the Palace with the paradign guard in the background. The guardian of a centuries-old tradition, this uniquely located Palace was built on the site of a fortress built by the Genoese in 1215. A visit takes one on a journey through history from the time of the Guelfes and the Gibelins to the Napoleonic period. The outstanding features of the Palace that can be admired such as the Italian-style Gallery running alongside the South facade; the State Apartments; and the sumptuous frescoes by XVI century Genoese artists, the Louis XV Salon, the Salon Bleu, the Throne Room, containing a large Renaissance fireplace, where historic festivals and ceremonies have been held since the XVI century.

Rauly imitating Sterling Moss
and me being a copy cat!!
Outside Monte Carlo and The Bently
On the steps about to go into the Casino and loose 30 Euros.. but it was worth it go inside.
Monte-Carlo, created in 1866, named in honor of Prince Charles III, hosts an internationally famous Casino, luxury hotels and leisure facilities, some created recently: Larvotto beach, the Monte Carlo Sporting Club, the Boulingrins Gardens. Monte Carlo is a district of the Principality of Monaco.
I had spent the night with Barbara and Jason and Barbara's family (again!) in Nice. Barbaras parents had Bella for the day while we were at the Rugby, we then drove through to Grasse and in the morning I caught the Train from Grasse to Nice where I caught up with Coraleen, Barry,Kristine and Rauly. As we only had one day here we tried to pack as much in as possible walking around Nice, the flower markets, the beach up a spiral walkway to its highest peak before heading off to Monaco.
A few hours in Nice isnt enough to see 'Nice' but it gives you a good overview. The weather was great, the flower market was just closing although we had dinner here and it was just divine. There are so many museums and art galleries if you were that way inclined but for me it was the drive around the Riviera to Monaco.
The sheer opulence of Monaco is mind blowing. I definitely couldn't stay there - mainly because I couldn't afford to eat but it was an amazing place to visit. Driving in along the road Grace Kelly was killed on was an event in itself with a sheer drop below and all through Monaco there are little notices with pictures of her opening this or christening that; very patriotic I must say.
Lonely Planet aptly describes Monaco....There's no getting around it. The Principality of Monaco is all about money - making it, spending it and flaunting it. A short stroll along the harbour, where some of the world's most expensive and most luxurious yachts are moored will have your eyes popping out of their sockets at the shameless, unadulterated wealth on display.
The Monte Carlo Casino was just something else. You could stand outside there all day and just admire the glitz and glamour. I had my picture taken beside a Bently and a Ferrari although I had a choice of about 20 cars all worth hundreds of thousands of Euros. Of course Vicki being Vicki just had to go inside the Casino and donate some money... and even though Ididn't win I can say 'been there done that!'
Onwards and upwards... a drive to Levanto and the Cinque Terra in the morning....