Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Saturday, September 01, 2007

Provence's small villages

Coraleen and in Malaucene near Vaison la Romaine with the Rugby World Cup schedule of games... about the only thing we have seen relating to the world cup so far.
War Memorial in Nyons The inside of the 17thC? cathedral/church.. it was amazing and below the Randonne Tower built in the 13 Century which has been transformed into the Notre Dame de Bon Secours chapel (above) which towers over the Village
The Chambre d'hotes we stayed at in Mirabel aux Baronnies for two days.. and spent time in the pool as it was, once again back to the 30's.

One of the cute little cobblestone streest in the small village of Valreas where we went to a street market.
Nyons again.. Nyons is one of the larger villages in this area
The olive press in Mirabel aux Baronnies
Overlooking the village of Nyons
Another one of the Randonnes tower just to show you how ornate it really is... and inside that door is the church .. picture highter up.
All through the area known as la Drome are the most amazing little villages, some smaller than others of course. Nyons is one of the larger with a population of 7,000 and the most amazing medieval town. You can walk through it continuing to be amazed by the cobblestones, the amazing colours in the church and views from the top.
Valreas is much smaller, although still pretty, we went to a market there (and did a wee bit of shopping) although it was one of our rainy days so we didnt get to see too much.. however when one has rain one takes advantage of internet cafes.. and we did!
Mirabel aux Baronnies is even smaller although it sports a Tourist Office, Olive Press, Patisserie and Bar and Restaurant .. so not that small. It's also very quaint and pretty and the place we chose to stay for two nights. The woman who ran the Chambres d'hotes was so passionate about the area and gave us lots of ideas for things to see and do.. so much so we stayed another night... and we were so impressed we even listed it on Trip Advisor.
The following morning we left to drive Mt Ventoux the infamous mountain which attracts visitors from all over the world who try and beat records cycling it. It is about 2,000m with a 10% gradient.. and Molly got the huff 16kms into the 21km uphill climb. Her linkages jumped out of place and we had to be towed down the mountain and wait for parts. A minor inconvenience in the scheme of things as the Roadside Assistance man tied them up with string (which we had in the van) and then when we got back to Vaison La Romain he used wire ( a man after my own heart and the # 8 fencing wire mentality) so we can drive her but had to return for parts.. so we have to stay around the area.. and Avignon!!