This is the medieval village of Chamaret where we stopped the following day before dropping Barry off in Vaucluse for his cycling tour. It was amazing countryside with acres upon acre of Olive groves, sunflowers and grapes with grapes, of course, being the dominant feature... well it is Provence after all.

Yes indeed this is a Roman Pyramide. We stopped in the small town of Vienne in Provence after a 6 hour drive and went out to visit the sights.

And this is Coraleen and Barry at the Baby Pyramide and of course we had a coffee at the Coffee Bar and I bought a lotto ticket.. but didnt win anything.. par for the course I guess.

The Rhone River ran through the west of the town with the rural area in the background

and a Cathedral.. of course .. after all it is France or should I say Europe
And the next stop was Chamaret which was only for photos as it was so beautiful . I guess I still havent come to terms with the medieval walled towns which are a dime a dozen over here.
Vienne was a smallish town although not appearing terribly old they did have a 15thC church and an ancient Roman Pyramide ... never heard of that before but will look it up on the net when I get a chance ... unusual
I must say most of the little towns are lovely with cathedrals, bell towers, ancient churches and in many cases they are walled towns and of course its a wine growing area with olive groves, sunflower fields and grapes for miles... yes all very lovely and took us longer than intended as we stopped now and again to take pics of some magnificent scenery and the French countryside.