As you can see the drive from Lake Como through to Lucerne was not uneventful as there was some sort of holdup... long weekend traffic.. we never did find out despite being given info on the radio every 2 minutes. We discovered this route, whilst the most direct, involved driving through a 17km tunner and the quues were horrendous... we waited 3 hours. The upside was it wasnt hot AND we pulled off at a Service Area and used the cash flow which meant we actually had Swiss Francs. I took this photo as I got out for a cigarette and walked beside the van for about 10 minutes.. and I walked faster that Molly drove!

and another one.. just so you can see the dramatic scenery as well as the queues. In fact driving along the road we must have seen about half a dozen chair lifts to the higher altitude villages.. a novel form of public transport.

The two of us with Lake Lucerne in the background... pity about the telltale ciggy!!

and me on the Lake front with a great view of the mountains in the background.. Mt Titless to be exact where there is snow all year.

Coraleen and I in front of one of their famous water fountains.. there are lots through Switzerland, not just Lucerne and all very ornate and colourful.

Us again down at the Lake where the cruises go from.. we opted not to take a boat trip having done a few in Greece and then again in Como

and last but not least.. me on the boardwalk with the lake and gorgeous scenery in the background.