Arriving in Mykonos with a million others (well almost) and finding no accommodation under NZ$180 a night we were slightly disillusioned.. and after paying the said $180 only to realise we wouldnt have paid $20 for it at home even though it had a 'swimming pool' plonked in the piece of >dirt out the front on the main road we were even more disillusioned. The windows and doors didnt close properly, the room was sparse and the air-con did a great imitation of a rattle snake. We had both been excited about Mykonos but unfortunately I have to report things didnt get better. We only stayed one night, changed our ferry tickets and hightailed it out of there within 24 hours. Some people just love Mykonos.. several we spoke to had moved from Athens to make it their home but for us the squillions of people, overpriced food and accommodation, roads chocker block with tourists on scooters and quadbikes made it an unenviable place to be.
Yes, the beaches were beautiful..but no more beautiful than the other Islands (Santorini aside) and the after effects of the nightlife left a lot to be desired.
While waiting for the ferry to leave we were amazed at the number of comatozed young people who had presumably slept the night out even though the busses ran every half hour until 4am! and the dazed zombies who, no doubt were still under the influence of some drug or other from the night before.
Upon arriving in Andros we werent disappointed with our decision to leave Mykonos. It's the most northerly of the Cyclades, one of the quietest and most serene with few tourists, magnificent beaches and lush greenery (a rarity in Greece!). Following the advice of the Lonely Planet we caught the bus from the Port to Batsi, a small fishing village and based ourselves there enjoying the tranquility of a quiet beach and slightly upmarket accomodation at half the price!
The bus over to Andros town took about 40 minutes firstly along the coast and then across the lush covered mountains to a quaint little town which sat between two long golden sandy beaches. The pallatial yachts >in>the harbour overlooked by Venetian Mansions were the only indication of the infamous hedonistic lifestyle enjoyed by their inhabitants.