Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Friday, August 31, 2007

George and Lake Como

Our Hostel where we shared a dorm with 12 others... fun fun fun!! Actually it wasnt too bad as the women were very considerate
and another view of the Hostel.. Villa Olmo which according to the information is an ancient old Villa
A view of the Lake from the town of Torno which is about 5km up the north east side of the Lake from Como .. yes we did a cruise on the Lake just to view the amazine (aka expensive) villas
Us near the 'port' which was really only where the boat docked.. very small and ancient .. not much bigger than the boat ramp in Te Atatu actually
A view of the waterfront of Cernobbio which is on the east side of the Lake; very beautiful but we didnt stop there just admired the views
A view of Lake Como from Como itself with the less imposing boats.
Another photo in Torno .. and as you can see its no different to the rest of the world despite its old warm charm and beauty they still have a grafitti problem
Lake Como was just as amazing too! Its just georgous.. the scenery is amazing. We couldn't find anywhere to stay though.. George was out.. no room at any hotel.. so we bit the bullet and spent the night in a 12 room dorm at a Hostel!! It was the first time .. and not that bad. Bloody good value for money that's for sure. For about NZ$40 we got dinner, bed, hot showers, internet and breakfast.. and of course clean sheets and towels - definitely worth it and I slept like a log. The girl in the bed next to our bunks was a bit of a pain.. young.. teddy bear on her pillow (that says it all I guess) turned the lights off about 9 and when we came back from dinner and opened the windows she sighed and put a duvet on.. silly girl.. she threw it off in the night. Even in the morning when some of the others left early she slept on.. and no one turned the light on for a while.. I guess travellers are very considerate people.

The next morning it was a boat trip on the lake.. and it just got better. The small 'towns' we stopped of it were beautiful.. clock towers, 18th Century Villas, cobblestoned streets.. the list goes on. And then it was off on the road to Switzerland.