Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007


This is the ferry we caught from mainland Italy, San Giovanni to Messina in Sicily .

And a pic to show you the height of the tunnels - in this case there are already two but they are building more. These are at the bottom of mainland Italy to connect to a bridge they are building to Sicily. Whilst they do have a great infrastructure can you imagine the chaos when there are roadworks? On the way down we were directed off the motorway for 82.5kms.. along with every other motorist and, it seemed, for hours, we were winding in and out of roadworks, traffic on small windy roads in 45+ degree heat!! Not fun.

And this is one to show you the way the Italian girls go to the beach.. all colour coordinated .. including high heels to match the bikini! They also have a matching beach bag and sarong.. (Coraleen also bought one of those little numbers.. the matching beach bag and sarong I mean). They dont like getting sand on their feet and the whole beach has a boardwalk of wooden footpaths which lead to showers .. no sand on their feet when going to the restaurant, bar or just back to the car!!

Sundays seem to be family beach days in Italy.. and they all sit around together.. husband, wife and kids.. until about 2 when all the men disappear to the bar.. and yes you guessed it.. to watch.. not football but motorsport. Every Sunday the same thing happened no matter where we were. They dont return until about 4.30 and then they all trot off.. home I guess.. with the women driving as the bars are where the TV screens are. Maybe the NZ men could learn from that.. at least the women would be happier on the beach than sitting at home ...