Barry arriving after his 31 hour ordeal... Sydney, Bangkok, Dubai and finally Paris!!
One of the monuments in Notre Dame.
And the Catacoombs... 1.7km of bones and skulls and other horrid bits exhumed from 18thC Paris cemeteries
The Eiffel Tower on a very windy Paris evening
Coraleen and Barry with the Eiffel Tower
... and me on a wet Paris night in the Champs Elysees
and me again.. in front of the Eiffel Tower
and again.. at a fish market this time.. a shoppers delight on Saturday morning
The two of us at the Lady Dianna tribute.. we just came across it in our strolls and it was very sad... brought a tear to my eyes.

I must say while there is a lot to see in Paris it doesnt really inspire me.. for me its a cold impersonal place despite the beautiful buildings and the Seine.
Our campground is on the Seine and its huge, by far the biggest to date but believe it or not its not that noisy or perhaps after the runway in Venice it just doesnt seem that noisy! We spent yesterday walking and walking to see as much as we could. Walking along the Seine to Notre Damn we came across the Diana tunnel which was sad as there were photos of her and flowers ... just a few but sad nevertheless.
There were crowds for everything so we didnt walk up to the top of the Arc de Triomph or the Eiffel Tower or even get in to Notre Dame as to do those things we would need another 3 or 4 days for the queues. However we did see most of the main sights during our walk and then later we took a night tour and drove around to see mst of the others. The night tour also included a trip down the Seine by night which was lovely and then home just before 1am! late night for us indeed!! I guess for me I like the Champs Elyseess as its really vibrant and always busy with the inspiring Eiffel Tower coming in a close second. We certainly wont be doing anything exciting at night as its just so expensive .. a Starbucks coffee is NZ$8 and a cheap McD is about NZ4 .. so just seeing the sights.