Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Friday, August 31, 2007

Dijon in France

A beautiful ancient round building in the middle of the Centre Ville which is the middle of the historial town .. and the only part we ventured into.
Another gorgeous old building...
Our 15th Century hotel from the balcony.. see all the grapes on the trellising
And another view of our hotel from the cobblestone courtyard... it was divine
The Arc de Triomph in Dijon just a baby in comparison to Paris but just as attractive
Dijon cathedral
mmmm ... I took this one cause I just seemed to like it!
And in the Republic Square.. very green and full of flowers and gardens
and the statue was in the Republic Square too
The greater Dijon area is home to about 230,000 people. Dijon is a university town and site of the Court of Appeals, and more than two-thirds of the jobs in the area are in the service sector. Industries have settled around the outskirts of the city, mainly mechanical and automotive, but also electric, food(mustard!), and chemical industries.
On first glance Dijon looks definitely worth exploring and the hotel we are staying in was built in the 15thC with a gorgeous cobblestoned courtyard outside .. and Molly has her own hotel room .. locked up in a garage!! We are right in the middle of the old town with 11thC Cathedrals and Monastries all around ... a busy day ahead tomorrow but at least there is no driving.. these 4 and 5 hour driving days drive a gal to drink.. so I am off for another red wine... or two...