and below Nicola and I pretending to be 'the best' on the last day...
Elizabeth, one of the teachers.. this time not in Halloweeen costume
and Lavinia on the right and Becky, another teach, this time also not in Halloween costume..
Roberta.. one of the students we taught.. she doesnt look any worse for the trials of our teaching
Rachel... another colleague on the course 
and another one while out 'shopping'... the sun was there but it was bloody cold.


and below.. Nicola and I went out shopping and visiting the sights on the Saturday after the course had finished

Well its finally over and now time to find a job. It seems.. at this stage jobs arent too difficult to come by.. wait for the next instalment to see if this is true.
It is definitely getting colder now, not freezing yet but about 12 during the day and its been raining. I couldnt be without my eleectric blanket although I have been told I am a wimp as there is no need for electric blankets in Rome as it doesn't get that cold!! Try telling that to me who has an electric blanket on from Easter through until al ost Christmas in Auckland!! Anyway I bought myself a very cheap one.. and it works just fine.