Welll .. not a helluva lot to update except the weather is turning to crap.. Only to be expected seeing it is November I guess but only 10 degrees outside today.. or this morning it was its 12 now.. and has been raining for a few days. I ventured out this morning.. the bus went a different way to what I thought.. but there were shops there.. although I wanted a Supermarket.
Working has been fun.. I am actually starting to enjoy teaching but still have trouble with all the tenses and putting labels on things like infinitives, the perfect continuous and imperatives etc .. but getting there slowly. I am teaching an elementary level student next week which will be good as he wont be able to ask me too many difficult questions!
I have ditched my crappy 5 euro jacket and bought myself a beautiful knee length coat.. and the bonus is its Pierre Cardin! And not that expensive either. I feel a million dollars in it.
I have been venturing out looking for Shopping Malls. They are all miles out of the City and you get the metro to one of the last stops or the last stop and then get a bus. It was great fun.. sort of.. Although getting off at Aningnina (the last stop on Metro A) was not the best. I was going up the escalators and I felt someone behind me trying to open the zip on my bag. It gave me a helluva fright. It is the first time since I have been away that anything like that has happened to me.. although Coraleen having her purse stolen at the Internet in in Valancia was pretty bad. It made me think twice.. in saying that I never had my credit card or any documents on me... and I dont carry money on me. He would only have got a notepad and pen as everything else is in the inside pockets. Anyway the Mall wasnt that good and not a lot of shops although there was a huge Ikea.
Ikea over here is like a Warehouse and Placemakers Megastore all rolled into one!! Its is ginormous.. and took me ages to find my way out through the cashier. The queues were akin to Foodtown Greenlane on Xmas eve.. and they are always like that.. about 20 in ech queue, all the cashiers open.. and just chaotic... but thats Italy for you.I
I start my Italian lessons on Monday.. so pretty busy as I have heaps of teaching hours. I am in Italian class from 9am till 1pm and then most afternoons I have three hours teaching and 4 nights out of 5 I am teaching until about 7 or 8. so Things are finally coming together. All I have to do is find a decent place to live.. but I guess that may have to wait until after Xmas.
I do need to change my living accommodation.. its ok.. BUT and there is always a but.. I dont think I am cut out for flat sharing with two 20 somethings... and of course the place isnt the best. I did go and have a look at one place on Friday.. 5 storeys high.. no elevator AND no better than the place I am in now.
And thats about it from me for this week.. no pictures as I have been too busy working.
Venice in the Winter

Picture perfect ... even me!