Rome... the good..
Transport. The local and the Londoners think the transport is abysmal but compared with Auckland its amazing! Only two metro lines (which in a city with 4million people tends to get overcrowded) but the system is fantastic. The busses dont just go into the city.. the go across the city, from west to east, south to north and every other combination you could wish for. They are frequent, versatile and efficient. And of course its 24/7 to facilitate ones social life.
The Sport. There is always and English/Irish pub showing Rugby, Soccer, Boxing, Car Racing.. you name it if its sport it will be there! Even NZ Super14.. although it does get turned off for important 'soccer games'!!
Food. Yes its true folks eating out in Rome is cheap and gooood! In fact I think eating out is cheaper than eating it. Of course if you dont want Pizza or Pasta you could have a slight problem.. and if you drink wine with it.. well its about half the price of a coke!!
English Movies. Until I arrived I didnt realise how big and 'important' the Italian film industry is.. there are new movies coming out every week.. all in Italian of course. However there are three theatres that show movies in their original language. One has to be vigilant as the original language could be Spanish or French... but there is a reasonable variety of English movies available for those who get heartily sick of the Italian language.
The BAD...
Transport. It's always full!! You never get to sit on a bus or metro. Busses especially! They only have 20 seats to have lots of room for additional people. I read the 'rules' at the front.. 20 seated and 93 standing. However 'rules' are made to be broken and during rush hour it is quite common for there to be well over 150 people standing with the driver having difficulty shutting the doors. Everyone standing around the doors has to get off to let others on and off. One day last week a woman getting on the bus exclaimed 'Oh Sardino'!! in a very looud voice... I guess the phrasal verb to be squashed like sardines is just the same in Italian.
Accommodation is extremely expensive.. about three times that of Auckland.. and the wages are much lower. Not so in other parts of Italy.. just Rome!
Supermarkets shut on Sunday! Most of them! You had better believe it unless you want to trek into Termini and the surrounds make sure you stock up on Saturday.
Shops and Services. Italy comes to a standstill between 1.30 and 4pm. Banks, shops etc you name it and it closes. Of course the upside is you have to plan well and develop ones time management skills. Its all about adapting to ones environment.
Cellphones .. being a phone freak myself it seems like tongue in cheek but everyone, I mean everyone from the age of 5 has one or more cellphones. Being on public transport is one cacophony of sounds. And just in case you didnt know Italian people dont speak quietly (they are known as the Americans of Europe!) so be warned.. dont get on to the bus or metro if you have a headache... earplugs are a godsend!!
Venice in the Winter

Picture perfect ... even me!