Phillipa, Ross and Betsy Al Fresco Dining in Frascati

A weekend of nice weather and a little excursion into the countryside around Rome. Frascati is famous for (if one could call Frascati famous!) its Cathedral which contains the heart of Bonnie Prince Charlie was absconded to Rome after his defeat in 1745 and Frascati Wine... neither of which we got to see. Yep.. the Cathedral and Church were closed (hello it was Sunday!!) and we couldnt find a wine place open. I guess its only Spring and the Italians being what they are .. dont bother opening these places until later when the hordes of tourists arrive.
We had a good day ambling around, had lunch outside under the sun and generally took in the scenery.
The main activity of the day was however wandering around the Town Square Marketplace as this seemed to be the only thing that was open. Have no fear.. almost anything you could think of could be found here.. shawls, screwdrivers, pliers, mirrors and of course the usual fare of the 'black guy'.. rip off sunglasses, CD's and belts.
Trains only leave every two hours from Rome even though it is only a 30 minute ride to the north. Buying a return ticket at Termini was difficult to say the least as you had to nominate the time of the return and as part of our group slept in and missed the train (two of us made it!!) we werent sure when we would come back. About ten minutes before the train left Frascati we decided to buy our return tickets.. Oh No!! an impossability. The station was closed, the first coffee shop we went into shrugged his shoulders, hrrmphd and ignored us.. the second didnt sell them but pointed us in the right direction. Up 100 steps, round here, through there and across there.. I decided I would take my chances without a ticket.. as did Betsy, I have been in Rome 6 months and only seen Inspectors three times!! Ross and Phillipa gallantly charging off in the direction of the well hidden Tabacci shop in hot pursuit of €1.90 tickets to Rome. As Betsy and I arrived at the station there was a group of very angry Italians arguing.. and who with? oh yes, a bloody inspector. Essentially she said (In Italian of course) she didnt care the station was closed, she didnt care they couldn't buy them on the train and she couldnt sell them.. in fact she couldnt care less but if anyone got on the train without a ticket they would be fined €100!! Yep folks.. that is the way of the Italians. To get on the train without a ticket or to wait another 2 hours.. that is the questions... easily really isnt it? And then.. our gallant knight came racing on to the platform with four returns tickets to Rome... with Phillipa trailing slightly behind trying to run in 4 inch heels!! Thank god for Ross's commonsense.. and Phillipa's persistance.. we all poked our tongues out to the Inspector and travelled back to Rome in peace!
We had a good day ambling around, had lunch outside under the sun and generally took in the scenery.
The main activity of the day was however wandering around the Town Square Marketplace as this seemed to be the only thing that was open. Have no fear.. almost anything you could think of could be found here.. shawls, screwdrivers, pliers, mirrors and of course the usual fare of the 'black guy'.. rip off sunglasses, CD's and belts.
Trains only leave every two hours from Rome even though it is only a 30 minute ride to the north. Buying a return ticket at Termini was difficult to say the least as you had to nominate the time of the return and as part of our group slept in and missed the train (two of us made it!!) we werent sure when we would come back. About ten minutes before the train left Frascati we decided to buy our return tickets.. Oh No!! an impossability. The station was closed, the first coffee shop we went into shrugged his shoulders, hrrmphd and ignored us.. the second didnt sell them but pointed us in the right direction. Up 100 steps, round here, through there and across there.. I decided I would take my chances without a ticket.. as did Betsy, I have been in Rome 6 months and only seen Inspectors three times!! Ross and Phillipa gallantly charging off in the direction of the well hidden Tabacci shop in hot pursuit of €1.90 tickets to Rome. As Betsy and I arrived at the station there was a group of very angry Italians arguing.. and who with? oh yes, a bloody inspector. Essentially she said (In Italian of course) she didnt care the station was closed, she didnt care they couldn't buy them on the train and she couldnt sell them.. in fact she couldnt care less but if anyone got on the train without a ticket they would be fined €100!! Yep folks.. that is the way of the Italians. To get on the train without a ticket or to wait another 2 hours.. that is the questions... easily really isnt it? And then.. our gallant knight came racing on to the platform with four returns tickets to Rome... with Phillipa trailing slightly behind trying to run in 4 inch heels!! Thank god for Ross's commonsense.. and Phillipa's persistance.. we all poked our tongues out to the Inspector and travelled back to Rome in peace!