Flaminio Stadium was sold out but Ross (a fellow English teacher with a definite Scotish accent) and I braved the masses and took our chances on buying tickets at the game: surely with all the bribery and corruption over here a couple of tickets shouldn’t be hard to acquire?
It was amazing! Firstly Piazza Flaminio was packed with Scots over for the weekend… a band playing Scotland the Brave… bars full to overcrowded with people already half cut…… and we still had a 15 minute walk to the stadium.
At Euro 25 each we thought our tickets were good value and as we made the way to our seats we were handed a printed sheet with the Italian National Anthem in both English and Italian and the Scottish National Anthem in Scottish and English; not sure which language was the most difficult.. Scottish or Italian and we made a terrible job of singing them both, or should I say trying to.
With no particular alliance to either team I simply soaked up the atmosphere which was akin to any Bledisloe Cup Match. With the bagpipes belting out Prood Edeard’s Airmy, An sent him hamewart followed by Fratelli d’Italia s’edesta… the game kicked off.
And from there… well not a great game to watch.. too many kicks for my liking but the two teams being neck and neck for most of the match gave it an exciting finish.. and oh yes, the consumption of a few Peroni Beers in the hot sun went down a treat too.
It was amazing! Firstly Piazza Flaminio was packed with Scots over for the weekend… a band playing Scotland the Brave… bars full to overcrowded with people already half cut…… and we still had a 15 minute walk to the stadium.
At Euro 25 each we thought our tickets were good value and as we made the way to our seats we were handed a printed sheet with the Italian National Anthem in both English and Italian and the Scottish National Anthem in Scottish and English; not sure which language was the most difficult.. Scottish or Italian and we made a terrible job of singing them both, or should I say trying to.
With no particular alliance to either team I simply soaked up the atmosphere which was akin to any Bledisloe Cup Match. With the bagpipes belting out Prood Edeard’s Airmy, An sent him hamewart followed by Fratelli d’Italia s’edesta… the game kicked off.
And from there… well not a great game to watch.. too many kicks for my liking but the two teams being neck and neck for most of the match gave it an exciting finish.. and oh yes, the consumption of a few Peroni Beers in the hot sun went down a treat too.