Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Monday, May 05, 2008

Naples weekend

The highlight of the weekend for me was going to the top of Mt Vesuvius which is regarded as one of the most dangerous volcanoes 9n the world because of the population of 3,000,000 people now living close to it. It is the most densely populated volcanic region in the world. The bus from Pompeii struggled and actually broke down.. however against Italian tradition a new bus did arrive within 10 minutes!! Another amazing feat. Once at the end of the line for the bus there was still another 2km steep uphill climb on a road/path of volcanic rock. I made it though! Having opted out of the Mt Etna climb last year I made sure I had walking shoes on and stuggled onwards and upwards with Ross. The views were amazing and the crater huge as you can see from these pics.

Ross had an idea to cover the top of Vesuvius with a tarpoulin to contain the next eruption.. looks like someone had the idea before him.. as here is the proof!

Me at the top looking down on Naples and its surrounding towns and villages.. and of course Pompeii.

The entrance to the Crater Road

Pompeii. I must confess I wasnt that fussed with Pompeii this time.. I mean three times in three years and it hasnt changed a lot since 79AD when Vesuvious erupted. But.. being the kind Aunty I am Morgan asked for some pictures of the house of a family she studied at School. (Who would do Latin I ask you? lol.. sorry Morgan)... anyway here is the house of Lucius Caecilius Iucundus who was a prominent banker in Pompeii at the time of the eruption.

And the huge ampitheatre at Pompeii... built to hold 20,000 people.

Ross with the Gladiators barracks in the background...

A new view of Rodannes Thinker perhaps... he didnt think quick enough as he was buried alive in Pompeii

Another pic of Morgans house....

Naples.. and one of the very narrow streets that have been built to bring the sea breezes up to the centre of the town.
Hilltop scene.. we didnt get around to getting the Funicular up here.. maybe next time..

Castle Nuovo in Naples.. aka The Disney Castle

Rubbish in Naples... Naples has had problems for about 6 months with no rubbish collections.. although we didnt see the evidence I have read about it was still pretty bad...

'The Italian army has begun bulldozing the 100,000 tonnes of rubbish that has piled up in the streets of the southern city of Naples.
The government is to hold an emergency meeting to find a solution to the rubbish crisis. Naples dustmen stopped collecting rubbish two weeks ago.
With nowhere to put it local people are forced to burn it. The fire brigade has been struggling to put out the fires. ' BBC Jan 7 2008

Typical Naples scene.. three on a Vespa.. no helmets.. smoking.. texting...

Capri... third time again.. but still as beautiful as ever.. and me too of course!

The three of us at the Top of the Chairlift on Capri... just amazing views and a gorgeous day.

Looking down 100 feet plus.. the sea is so clear.. the white things are boats and the dark shapes is the sea bed!! Honest it is.. the water is just translucent.

Another view from the top of the Chairlift....

Capri Port with all its colour