Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A weekend in Abruzzo

Driving up to Scanno in the hills.. and then this lake appeared.. absolutely beautiful.. and you could see the snow on the mountains in the distance.. not much snow left... but some..

Michael, Philippa and me with the snow in the background..

The small market town of .... oops forgotten the name already...

Scanno in the background looking through the arch at the top of Largo San Francisco

Ross partaking in some fresh mountain water from a fountain advertising this particular town was the most beautiful in Italy!! Some sort of annual competition they had won.

Playing silly buggars on the chains.. which read 2000 apparently to commemorate the Millenium

View of the lake driving up to Scanno.. very windy roads but beautiful scenery

Michael, Ross and Betsy under the arch looking into the small market town..

If you can read the posters you will see an Australian Youth Choir is performing here.. yep they love us Colonials in Italy.

Another one of the same and I cant delete it!! Help.. technology aint good for Blondes!

A 'grumpy' woman in the typical dress of Scanno.. very particular to this part of Abruzzo.

Ross posing on the car... the first time he had driven on the 'wrong' side of the road .. and he did very well.. he did all the driving and I was a passenger.... very relaxing I might add.

Another hilltop town.. only this time it was full of decrepid buildings no longer used. All there was in the town, aside from a few people (a population of 92 I think was the word from Lonely Planet) was a beautiful castle, a restaurant and wonderful views of the valley and hills.

The convent building in the town of Capestrano where we stayed for two nights.

The view of the countryside, snow on the mountains and village from our deck (not balcony but DECK) .. with an E not an I as they insist I pronounce it.

Mmmm.. the menu in the restaurant in the village.. still not sure what Beer made with oil and beans tastes like.. no one was game to try.

another excerpt from the menu... and something edible at last?

Couldn't resist it.. I finally found my ideal car..

This sign was hanging outside one of the houses (yes houses) in the dilapidated castle town.. took my fancy..not sure what it was all about.. perhaps they are still playing Knights in Shining Armour in that neck of the woods?

The confused Pub. Is it Irish, Scottish or Italian. Oh yes.. the pink bag resurfaces...