Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Summer holiday in New Zealand

Piha.. cant have a holiday without visiting Piha... and
the black iron ore sand

Gosh that tan didn't last long after arriving in London to snow and ice!

family day too...

An afternoon by the pool.. pity I missed half of it. Blame Barbara for that one!!

... I do remember this one...
And a weekend with the girls.. lunch at Mudbrick... a hotel in Queen Street... and.. too shattered for breakfast anywhere :-)

On the ferry.. bright and cheerful

Waiheke Ferry Terminal.. still looking bright and cheerful

Lunch at Mudbrick

View over Cable Bay

And last but not least.. a drive along the waterfront

Three sisters and a pohutakawa tree.. really NZ~

And again on Xmas day...

Coraleen and Melanie at Mum and Dad's grave. Finally laid to rest...

Lucas and Anton at Motat

NZ Kina at the Fishmarket.. of course I went to get Scallops and Crayfish! Xmas wouldnt be the same without them.

Cousins lunch at Mission Bay

and Boxing Day Races at Ellerslie