Well this one really isnt the worst.. but it appealed to me.. 'Walking schoolbus'... just like NZ.

Mmm... nowhere to park.. oh goody.. there's a pedestrian crossing.. lets try that.

Now, whats that Police car doing on the wrong side of the road... oh yes, its being a role model for other Romans!

Parking in the middle of an intersection... well there are lines but I guess its not a driveable stretch of road?

Phone boxes in the middle of Piazza Fiume which have been shattered by all the traffic.. perhaps one isnt meant to hear what is being said after all.

Petrol bowser on the side of the road... and those men smoking are the petrol attendants.

Have no fear when the road is busy just park (and ride) on the footpath.

I was sure there was a pedestrian crossing on this corner.

Not so bad... the Italian Rugby team in their D & G underwear.

Begging or sleeping?

Lets just park in front of the bikes.. well Hello they can drive up the footpath.

A tiny bus....

A slightly bigger bus...