The kind of history we don't have in New Zealand. This is a picture of Kings College Cathedral in Cambridge .. the first stone laid by Henry VI... here's a bit of a blurb
Henry VI was only 19 when he laid the first stone of the 'College roial of Oure Lady and Seynt Nicholas' in Cambridge on Passion Sunday, 1441. At the time this marsh town was still a port so, to make way for his college, Henry exercised a form of compulsory purchase in the centre of medieval Cambridge, levelling houses, shops, lanes and wharves, and even a church between the river and the high street (now King's Parade). It took three years to purchase and clear the land.

A picture taken from the back and the Cambridge River where the famous Oxford Cambridge boat racing takes place. The day we were there we could see lots of Punts on the river but most of them moored.

..the ceiling of the Chapel..itis just amazing

Uncle Calvin with Kings College itself in thebackground.Kings College was one of the first in England to admit women so they have been ahead of their times and Prince Phillip also studied here.

The genealogy of the College.

And a little bit more history.

A full view of the actual college. They are rather pompous and The Porter, who is little more than a butler dressed in extremely pompous garb actually stops you going in (in his oh so perfect BBC English) unless you have membership and it's only members who are allowed to walk on the grass. Now we might be from the Colonies but what a lot of pomp and ceremony that is!!
It was a rather cold Saturday Calvin took me over to Cambridge which is about 1.5hours from Norwich and boy was it busy. The whole Town of Cambridge was absolutely packed there were buskers (a group were playing some great rock sounds) while others were more mellow, and shoppers and just generally lots of people. We spent about an hour and a half looking through the Colleges.. there are several.. Jesus College, Trinity College and I guess they all teach various discilpines but cant confirm that I was overawed at the history of the place.