Venice in the Winter

Venice in the Winter
Picture perfect ... even me!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Wells Next the Sea Norfolk

The Crown Hotel where we had lunch and it was an amazing lunch with a menu you would be hard pressed to better even at Number 5 or Sails!! And guess what? the Chef is a Kiwi; you had better believe it. He actually has a TV cooking programme over here cooking local fish caught along the North Norfolk Coast, Coastal Kitchen. I have never heard of him so if any of you have please enlighten me. Here is the blurb on their website.

General Manager, Kiwi Master Chef Chris Coubrough ...

And down on the sea front at the other end of the culinary scale is the local Fisherman selling Crabs and Lobster caught that day. Unfortunately for us he had sold out of crabs so we had nothing to take home for dinner.

mmm...couldn't resist this. I have never noticed before but there are loads (a hundred maybe) of these little beach huts at the back of the beach still on the sand which have power.. and they are privately owned for people to get changed and have a cup of tea!! It's true, It's true I tell you!!!

Calvin was saying earlier in the year a few beaches further around the coast one of them sold for £30,000... thats dearer than a parking space in Auckland City!!

And you wouldn't want to be in difficulties out in the water, well at least not until the tide came in!! This is their rescue boat up on dry land with no way of getting anywhere near the wet stuff until a considerable rise in water levels!!

And another great weekend came to an end. We actually walked for about an hour after lunch as we had eaten so much it was divine..I even had to have desert.

Wells is a lovely seaside resort (although the weather left a bit to be desired) a long sweeping beach bordered by pine woodland and a harbour full of small fishing boats and children fishing for crabs and digging for cockles against a backdrop of Georgian houses along the sea front.

And all that not half an hour away Norwich....